Professor at Department of Recreation & Leisure Industry Management, National Taiwan Sport University since 2006.
250 Wen Hua 1st Rd
Education Background
8/01-5/07 Department of Recreation and Park Administration,
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Doctor of Philosophy
Major: Leisure Behavior
Minor: Counseling Psychology (APA accredited)
3/99-6/00 University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
Master of Science
Major: Resort and Tourism Management
10/92-6/96 National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Bachelor of Law
Major: Law
Research Interest and Outdoor Skills
Outdoor leadership/Adventure Education/Slacklining/Adventure tourism/Wilderness orientation/Leave No Trace/Slacklining/Primitive skills/Rivertracing/Canyoneering
8/18-current Professor
8/13-7/18 Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Industry Management, National Taiwan Sport University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
7/07-8/13 Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Industry Management, National Taiwan Sport University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
8/06-7/07 Lecturer, Department of Recreation and Leisure Industry Management, National College of Physical Education and Sports, Taoyuan, Taiwan
12/05-1/06 Trainer, Outward Bound Taiwan
8/05-8/05 Co-instructor, Outward Bound Wilderness, Washington
9/02-9/04 Instructor, R100 Intro to Rock Climbing, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, Indiana
8/01-9/03 Trip Coordinator, Indiana University Outdoor Adventures, Indiana
7/03-8/03 Outdoor Instructor, National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Washington
Recent Publications
Wu, G. J. (2022). The Application of Metaverse in Outdoor Recreation. Taiwan Mountaineering Conference. Yilan, Taiwan.
Huang, C. and Wu, G. J. (2017). Consumer behavior in tourism and recreation. Taipei, Taiwan.
Wu, G. J. and Ye, W. L. (2017). Mountain adventure with purposes: A creative approach to college orientation program. 2017 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure. New Taipei, Taiwan.
Chiu, Y., Wu, Y., & Wu, G. (2015). Scuba diving in Taiwan. International Conference on Outdoor Leadership, Norman, OK, USA.
Wu, G. (2013). The dark side of adventure: Exploring the stress-coping strategies of mountaineers’ significant others regarding high altitude mountaineering expeditions. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 8(4), 449-465.
Award and Certificate
2015 WEAJ outdoor instructor award
2017 WEA outdoor educator award
Leave No Trace Master Educator / Wilderness First Responder / AMGA Top Rope Manager / ACA Canyoneering Canyon Leader